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As the longest night of the year approaches, 21st December 2020 marks the longest night of the northern hemisphere. The day when the Earth axis tilts the hemisphere furthest away from the sun. It’s the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight.
Are you ready to go inwards and face the darkness and navigate your way through this time! Just as seeds lay dormant, we need to complete our inner work! We need to take time to reflect, take stock and get to know ourselves better.

We will delve deep into a nurturing yoga, movement , breath work, and meditate on the coming year which is going to be another pivotal time!!

This Solstice is a time of Initiation, it’s the dawning of a new world – with Jupiter and the Saturn conjunction in an air sign . This is the first time since 1800’s . It’s a pivotal moment in history !!

So, come and share in a wonderful space to birth the new year !!

It’s 11-2pm at The Seraphina Centre

Exchange donation : £25 See Less

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