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Dream Your Dream
Sunday 4th July
1pm – 6pm
We will be way past the first half of the year 2021 when we meet at this beautiful space in Edinburgh.
Change is on the menu everyday now and this isn’t going to change!! What exactly does that mean for humanity and our planet ?
We are in the Aquarian Age now , The Big Shift is Happening and it is affecting us all no matter who we are. So, what’s the best way to navigate these times ?
It can sometimes feel lonely and as if we are wading through treacle when we are constantly in flux and it can feel we are not making any progress but this is just not True !
Our system and technology as a Human Being is being upgraded – through our Love and Light and this is having an effect on our Beautiful planet Earth and the Cosmos . This is not spoken about – how powerful we are as a Human Being and the capacity we have to dream a New Life , a New Way of Being !! But it’s here, like it or now !
Will you hold on to the old ways , hoping they will come back ? Or Surf on the tide of Plenty !! Dreaming your Dream … Creating Ourselves from the inside out !!
This workshop space will explore the changes that are happening with us and how to best harness these new energies , re-set ourself with the Breath , Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.
Step into the New World , let go of uncertainty of the Unknown and Influence and Create yourself in the way you want it to be !!
What’s Your Dream ? What’s your Vision for You , your Children and the Earth .
Come and join us for an afternoon of Vision Sharing , Expansion and Connection .
Investment £33 before 21st June
£44 after 21st June .
Looking forward to this Space so much and meeting old and new students 💛💗💕🥰
Much Love
Sat Nadar x

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