Shout out to all our peeps! men & women 

Sat Nadar & Stacey have come together as ‘Northern Lights’ to bring you Realign Your Energy & Surrender.
Come and submerse yourself in a 5 hour in-person immersion!
This is a powerful and transformational journey to Realign your Energy & SURRENDER. 

An opportunity to dance with vunerabilty in a safe loving container – releasing the energy that is keeping you stuck. Healing parts of self preventing you from moving forward. Building confidence, self-esteem – creating greater self-awareness.
Are you ready to move beyond your edges? Beyond your comfort zone into a world of infinite possibilities?
Are you ready to surrender and let go? Connecting to your beautiful body and the present moment.
We are super excited to create this uplifting, co-created space with you, and guide you through some powerful practices. I can feel the love and shifts already 

Whats included:
Grounding Meditation
Body Movement Kundalini Yoga
Journal Practice
Innerchild Healing
Meet the Fear
Release and Let Go
Mind Heart Coherence
Heart Opener Practice
Powerful Theta Downloads
Energy Healing
Community and Connection
A little gift to take away
After Care

Here is some information on the kriya/yoga practice: (ps. you don’t need to have ever done yoga before)
This kriya will support you in letting go of any old fears and negativities that we may hold in our subconscious mind and body….so that you can connect to a new way of relating to yourself and create the life you want. We will begin with a mantra to open the space for us to practice in a protective and lovingly held. We will then go into warming up the body so we are well prepared to delve deeply into the yoga kriya (set of exercises for a specific aim). We will then go into a restful relaxation to integrate the energies from the yoga set .
We recommend you have a hearty breakfast. Light snacks will be provided, along with refreshments 

What to wear:
Comfortable clothing you can move your body in.
Comfortable clothing you can move your body in.
What to bring:
Journal & pen
Yoga mat
Bottle of water
An open heart 
A treasured object to add to our circle eg. Picture, crystal, feather etc

We would so love to have you join 

Early Bird £77 (ends 1st May)
£88 for bookings after 1st May
Via PayPal:
Bank Transfer:
Miss SAB Kelly
Sort code: 07 02 46
Acc: 19063685
Bank Transfer:
Miss SAB Kelly
Sort code: 07 02 46
Acc: 19063685
No refund policy. In the event you are unable to attend – a credit maybe issued at the organisers discretion.
You will receive a welcome email when your spot is confirmed 

If you have any questions please send us a DM 

Can’t bloody wait to see you.
Love and hugs
Sat Nadar & Stacey xxx
Sat Nadar & Stacey xxx