We are now reaching the mid-point of the year. After the wildness of May…Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. We are now surfing in a completely new frequency!

Will this affect everyone?

Yes! But how you choose to navigate through this month is entirely up to you.

We are currently in an Eclipse Portal until 10th June but this powerful time period will affect us much longer. So, how can we Harness this Energy?

The 6 energy of June is a double-edged sword – be in the flow of your soul and in a constant communication with your own light. The 6 represents the arc line, which is part of our electro-magnetic field. The arc line is an energetic body that projects forward, protects us and allows us to just know what to do next…so it gives intuition. The other side of 6 is feeling lost and not knowing what choice to make, having doubts and pulling away from life because there is huge suspicion of the other. This is because 6 in the shadow is about duality, separation and coming from a place of Fear.

So, this is the time where we really need to strengthen our Electro-magnetic field around us because the electro-magnetic field around the earth is completely changing and this means if ours is not strong, we will hit walls and literally begin to not know who we are.

So, connecting to your own light and keeping your frequency high is what will make the difference now. The energy of 6 is about Vision and Beauty….it is the time to ask yourself what really gives me Joy? What am I passionate about? What can I share with others that doesn’t take anything away from me but adds more to you, so its mutual benefit. In other words…what do I want to share with the world? How can I share my love? The answer to this may really surprise you…but this is how we create a new Vision for ourself.

The Heart number of this month is 9, which is about mastery and going deep. It’s not enough to stay on the surface during this time. It’s a chance to invest and commit to yourself and completely create the new vision of how you want to be, how you want your life to be and how you would like the Earth, our Planet to be. The illusion of the planet is continuing to dissolve and fall apart…but don’t give this your energy. Focus on the new, focus on your vision, your passion and your love. If this last year taught us anything, it is to Slow down, enjoy spending time with yourself, embrace all the parts of yourself, including the parts we ignore and bring more love and light to this and then you will be catapulted forwards on this New Frequency of the planet.


40 Day Transformation

To support you in all this, Join us for a 40 day practice, every morning at 7am -7.30am which will begin on 21stJune – Summer Solstice, another pivotal point for us. This on line space will be creating a group consciousness and expand your awareness. This meditation will be focussed on Prosperity and manifesting your new life. Investment £40.

Weekly Class

You can join my weekly Monday evening class, 7-8.30pm which will be focussed on the Arc Line and Strengthening our Electro-magnetic field. This class will really kick start you into the week, and give you the space to let go, and create a new intention for you! Investment £7 per class or £25 for all 4 classes. If you cannot be there live, I can send you the link later after the event for you to do in your own time.

One To Ones

Numerology Readings – Different offerings – please see acceptancetherapy.co.uk

Yoga and Meditations Sessions



Sound Therapy

Counselling/ Coaching


There will be a wonderful workshop with my sister, Stacey Bernadette Anne Kelly – Re-align your energy and surrender on Sunday 2oth June, 9-1pm on line. This will be a space for deep inner child work – which is essential during this time.  Investment £88

My Numerology workshop will be Sunday 27th June 11-3pm. This will be an introduction into Numerology and there will be further workshops from this. Investment £33.

Teacher Trainings

New Teacher Training beginning in Scotland in September, so please get in touch if you would like to go deeper with you own practice and want to transform your life. You can go to my website accpetancetherapy.co.uk to find out more, dates, costs and book your place.

Looking forward to sharing, supporting and connecting with you in June.

Have a Blessed and Beautiful month

Much Love

Sat Nadar x